VICON Method improves
your child's key
communication areas
Under a structure based on specific levels and areas of development, the VICON Method achieves that 80% of children improve their communicative and learning abilities in a playful and natural way.
It is important to highlight that specific development in each of these areas and the progression depends on multiple aspects such as diagnosis, age, and previously acquired skills prior to starting the VICON Method.
It is important to highlight that specific development in each of these areas and the progression depends on multiple aspects such as diagnosis, age, and previously acquired skills prior to starting the VICON Method.
What achievements do we identify in each Area?
Initial term
- Displays a natural smile
- "Is enjoying it"
- Shares the moment with eye contact
- Expresses a healthy laughter
- Shows motivation for musical videos
Medium term
- Listens to the music and wants to watch the video
- Uses gestures or sounds to request more content
- Criterion for content selection emerges
Long term
- Expresses motivation for the content
- Accepts and opens up to new proposals
- Shows interest in engaging in activities in their dailylives
Initial term
- Follows visually along with the videos
- Anticipates content with gestures, vocalizations, words...
- Maintains attention during part or the entirety of the video
Medium term
- Increases the time of paying attention to videos
- Achieves the same level of attention in different content
- Joint attention
Long term
- Improves and increases attention in different learning situations
- Includes and manipulates materials during viewing
Imitation and Learning
Initial term
- Extension of acquired skills
- Improves predisposition to learn
- Recognition of moments that require attention
Medium term
- Increases receptive language comprehension
- Improves following instructions
- Increases recognition of objects and colours
Long term
- Demonstrates manipulation skills
- Improves play skills
- Starts associating shapes, forms, and pre-literacy
Preceding skills and Language
Initial term
- Preceding skills in language development
- Verbal approximations
- Recognises and imitates early gestures
Medium term
- Acquires new receptive language
- Improves word comprehension
- Shows attempts to imitate with the mouth (mirror neurons)
- Articulates sounds
- Verbally imitates isolated sounds or syllables
Long term
- Reproduces first words through partial or complete imitation
- Increases the repertoire of imitation of signs
- Acquires new sounds
SocializationResults of the VICON Method del Médodo VICON
Initial term
- Shares the moment with eye contact
- Seeks and invites the adult to participate in the videos
Medium term
- Reaches language directed at others
- Asks to watch videos with vocalizations or words
- Seeks interaction with the environment during viewing
Long term
- Makes requests or expressive references to objects in the environment
- Increases spontaneous use of language achieved
- Generalizes skills to other contexts
Discovering the Method is this easy
Start with a free one week trial where a therapist will assess with you if the program is 100% suitable for the child
Start a free trial
/ month
/ month
every 6 months
/ month
every 12 months
All subscriptions start with a free week trial that includes:
- Full access to the Method in 3 languages
- Therapeutic support
Discover more about our studies
VICON Method: Study on the efficacy of a Video Modeling tool in the development of oral language in children diagnosed with ASD from 3 to 9 years old.
The present experimental study evaluated the VICON Method as a treatment method in motivation, attention, imitation, language and socialization through music listening and systematic viewing of 20 videos (video modeling) designed in developmental skills in these areas. The results show that the tool has produced a significant improvement.
I. Testimonials from 724 families after the 2-week Free Trial. "End of Trial Questionnaire" QUANTITATIVE DATA
An "End of Trial Questionnaire" study to assess the impact and impressions of 724 families.QUANTITATIVE METRICS
II. Testimony of 724 families from the 2-week Free Trial. "End-of-Test Questionnaire" QUALITATIVE DATA 1_ INDICATORS OF CHANGE
An "End of Trial Questionnaire" study to assess the impact and impressions of 724 families. QUALITATIVE METRICS 1: INDICATORS OF CHANGE